Sunday, February 05, 2006

1 hour to be 2 dozen

فقط یه ساعت مونده که بشم 24 ساله حس بزرگ شدن دارم امسال ، الان نشستم دارم یه مقاله می خونم که باید تا فردا تموم شه آره آدم شب تولدش که درس نمی خونه اما کار بهتری پیدا نکردم .... وسط کار هر از گاهی یه دوستی ، فامیلی زنگ می زنه و از تنهایی در میام ... گاهی هم با یکی در مورد انرژی اتمی و شورای امنیت حرف می زنم ... هیچ وقت آرزو نکردم که ایرانی نباشم اما گاهی فکر می کنم مثلن اگه تو ترینیداد به دنیا آمده بودم چند بار توی زندگیم به این فکر می کردم که ما باید بمب اتمی داشته باشیم یا نه !!! یا چند بار مجبور می شدم واسه هم خونه ای هام توضیح بدم که رییس جمهور ما چرا اینقدر چرند می گه !!! نمی دونم شاید اونوقت الان تو فکر این نبودم که نکنه آمریکا حمله کنه ..... خوب من کم کم می رم به دنیا بیام ... مشهد ، بیمارستان مادر ...

Monday, January 16, 2006

monday morning

hey ! it's a monday morning after a disgusting sunday evening ! so it should be something good ! and I wish I can manage a project to do for my phd !!! yeah I have no one ! you know it's interesting actualy because it's just like you are free to read any paper you see and surf any website you come across !! you are not committed to anything so it's a free world !! I've been doing this all last week and I know that I'm interested in manyyyy things ! so what !!! :)) , oh girl you should chose !!! everybody says ! so I'm going to make up my mind dear friends be sure I won't miss my course and I won't compromise my interests !!!, ooh you know it was a disgusting sunday evening but you made it a nice midnight by your call at 3 AM !!! I couldn' believe it ! I think I talked to you totally insane ! because I was so !!! oh but thanks it was a delicious midnight gift ! and another thing yeah I know it's a must ... ;) .... oh it's already 10 o'clock I should go back to work I will write more !!! oh who cares actually haa ?? nop I write for my own ... :) :**

Thursday, January 05, 2006


when you are playing with kids, have you ever noticed their speed of learning ?... and have you seen that how brave they are in trying new things without the fear of doing something wrong ! I was watching some pictures in my laptop with my cousin ,after about 2 minutes he was working with the touch pad mouse as fast as I do , he was selecting the picture that he wanted to see , he was useing the zoom in and zoom out and simultanously he was talking to me !!! I'm not sure is it because of he is used to technologic life , or it's because he is only 6 years old ... but I think the second term rules, if all of us were brave like kids in learning the progress would be better ... and I think when ever you need a refreshment in your mind just go to kids, talk to them and discuss about their thoughts they all have pure and bright minds , oh and ofcourse the can improve your english if they can't speak persian ;) ...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

thanks for all of it ....

when you are down the best thing for you is having someone you don't have to open up all your mind for , he would understand it without a word ... even if he only have your Y! box open in front of him but he can totally compensate your fluctuations , he can manage and organize your mind without being bossy , he can tell you what to do without making you think that he is ordering you ! you know it's easy to be said but not done , imagine when you are sad how much you lose your logic , and sometimes how selfish you would be ... but if there is a friend out there who is still your friend in these moments ... it's a relationship which worth to be continued for ever ....

thanks ....

Sunday, January 01, 2006

home :)

when it comes to warming it may be a global world but when it's about heartwarming it's not ....

long time no see :)

It has been long time ... many things has been changed even my location in this big big world , many people have gone , this last week has been a sad one , I don't know how they passed it back home , and I don't know how I did it here ... but I know that the life is still alive !!! and that's the rule ... so I will be better ... and I wish you all be better .... show must go on ....